Welcome to Ryan’s next chapter…

Ryan Bresnahan, our amazing son and brother, died very suddenly on 31 March 2010 of Meningitis B. He was a fit, healthy, caring, funny, gorgeous young man; he simply took our breath away. We lost him within an hour – we had no time to say goodbye.

‘a Life for a Cure’ was founded as both a legacy to Ryan and to help raise valuable funds in search of the ultimate vaccine for Meningitis B. After this was licensed for use in 2015, this Bristol charity run purely on a voluntary basis, has focussed it’s effort and passion to raising meningitis awareness, particularly in young adults – the second most at-risk group for this devastating disease. It is simply about working together to stop other amazing young lives being lost to meningitis. Some good must come from losing Ryan.

Huge thanks for your support x

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